Shift Your Mindset,

Shift Your Weight

Are you ready to like the woman

you see in the mirror again?

End yo-yo dieting now! 

 I'm on a mission to help women escape the trap of yo-yo dieting through challenging their beliefs and their thinking.

The Mindset Diet TM

From Disillusioned Dieter to Empowered Eater

7 Steps to Think Yourself Slim

The bestselling and award winning Mindset Diet book


Forget fad diets and become an empowered eater. The Mindset Diet helps you escape the trap of yo-yo dieting and go from disillusioned dieter to empowered eater. When you understand what influences your eating habits, you can change them. These powerful 148 pages of mindset advice, including my story, my clients' stories and practical coaching strategies, will help you transform your relationship with food.

buy a copy of MY book
Control your Cravings course


Are you tired of feeling powerless against your food cravings? Does your diet often get derailed by those irresistible temptations? Imagine a life where you are in full control, where cravings no longer dictate your food choices, and where achieving your health goals is a breeze. This course helps you understand, interrupt, manage and prevent your cravings and includes an emergency tool kit to head off your cravings when they hit.

Enrol in my course
Book an Empower Hour to start to unravel your relationship with food

unlock the habits that sabotage your success

Are you ready to like what you see in the mirror again and end yo-yo dieting now? Let's refocus your thinking from dieting to your daily habits, and the small changes you can make to your eating and routines that will have a big impact on weight loss and prevent weight regain. This is the first exercise I do with The Mindset DietTM programme clients. After identifying and unravelling your key patterns keeping you stuck, we'll come up with a plan to interrupt them. Whether it's stress, lack of time, emotional eating, mindlessness or lack of motivation that's keeping you stuck, this session will uncover your blocks and give you clarity on your key to weight loss success.

You will need to do some research and observing of your habits in readiness for this powerful and transformative session. If you're ready to invest in you and start your transformation from disillusioned dieter into empowered eater, book your EmPower Hour+ now.

book an EmPower Hour+
Book a call to speak to Caroline

 Get intensive one-to-one support and training to like what you see in the mirror again

Are you too busy and too stressed to go on another diet? And in your heart of hearts you know dieting doesn't work, yet you know your weight gain is starting to impact on your business and career so what on earth can you do? My Mindset DietTM coaching programme will guide you through the inner work that will keep you thinking slim forever. Imagine having vibrant energy and feeling and looking 10 years younger. If you're ready to work from the inside out and transform your relationship with food, let's chat about how you can work with me for three to six months to overcome those barriers that keep you stuck time and time again so you can get your body back and feel amazing again. Use the link to book a time to chat and explore if my approach is right for you.

I'd love to find out more
Testimonial from Debra for The Mindset Diet

I one-hundred-percent recommend that you work with Caroline.

I love her passion and that she's walked the talk.

When I look back at all the money I spent on slimming, which worked temporarily, it hit me that I needed to do inside work. 

I can’t bear to think about being how I was still. It’s like an addiction that struggle with food. You need the guidance of someone like Caroline and you need to put the work in to get rid of those dark days, to get rid of unpleasant thoughts around food. I spend virtually no time thinking about food now, I am my ideal weight consistently and I don't sabotage. 

I’m very confident that Caroline's guidance was the most helpful thing to me doing the mindset work. We went off piste several times looking at other blockages that didn't appear food related. That was where I got the massive value. The sessions alone, never mind the weight loss, gave me confidence. 

I feel so wonderful in my clothes. It makes me smile. I feel very comfortable in myself. 


want to find out more about how I can help you escape the trap of yo-yo dieting?
Use the link to book a time to chat. We can explore your food story, I'll give you a tip or two to get your started, and we can explore which of my programmes would be the best fit for you.

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